Sunset in a Northern town

Sunset in a Northern town

This blog post is a bit of a walk down memory lane for me. Last year I went on a painting journey to a little town on the coast. I was sick for part of the week (this seems to be a pattern for me – go away to paint and be sick straight away) and for several...
More jars

More jars

Years ago I painted two kitchen jars as a little challenge to myself: Will I be able to render all those reflections and lights on the glass? I’ve been fascinated with jars like these ever since and can’t help considering each and every one of them the...
View of Dresden

View of Dresden

I do really go through phases in terms of which medium I prefer, and at the moment it’s watercolours. Again. Which feels strange to me because I remember very vividly how much I disliked them just a few weeks ago. Huh. But they’re so practical, much more...
Homo neanderthalensis

Homo neanderthalensis

Wir waren am Wochenende im Neandertalmuseum. Die lebensechten Neadertalerfiguren sind erstklassig und eignen sich prima zum Zeichnen. Ich mochte die Figur vom Neaderrthalermädchen am liebsten. Last weekend we visited the Neanderthal Museum. The life-like neanderthal...
Favourite spot

Favourite spot

Eins meiner Lieblingsmotive auf neuem Grund, und zwar auf ca. 80 Jahre altem Papier. Ich wollte ausprobieren, wie sich Gouache auf dem Papier macht. Es ist so herrlich gelblich- ideal für eine Abendstimmung wie diese, dachte ich mir. Entnommen habe ich es (autsch, das...