So this month is the direct watercolour month as per declaration and example by Marc Taro Holmes and many other watercolour painters. I wish I could have participated in the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, but the frantic preparations for my exhibition at the beginning of the month – I believe I did two large and two small paintings between 1st and 8th of June – made that impossible. Still, why not paint directly anyway?, I thought to myself last night as the wee one was sleeping (like a baby!) and the house was all quiet. I found a little squirrel in my reference folder and off I went. It went surprisingly well! I started off with the ears and followed the contour of the head, extending my initial line to make shapes as I went along. In a pretty typical tea, milk and honey fashion I applied three layers. I like the looseness of the brush strokes and the washes and I’ll definitely do more direct watercolour painting, hopefully also outdoors.