Direct watercolour | Aquarellieren ohne Vorskizze

Direct watercolour | Aquarellieren ohne Vorskizze

So this month is the direct watercolour month as per declaration and example by Marc Taro Holmes and many other watercolour painters. I wish I could have participated in the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, but the frantic preparations for my exhibition at the...
March | März

March | März

I can’t believe it but it’s already the last day of March! Crikey! And I haven’t posted once! Normally I work on something or just paint for pleasure and I have a few insights or I encounter problems which I want to share with you. Questions of...
Die Damespielerin | Woman playing checkers

Die Damespielerin | Woman playing checkers

Dieses Bild, das ich um die Jahreswende gemalt habe, liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Ab 11. März wird es in der Ausstellung der Deutschen Aquarellgesellschaft in Emmerich zu sehen sein, worüber ich mich sehr freue (auch wenn ich selbst leider nicht hinfahren kann). Es war...
Interwoven | Verwoben

Interwoven | Verwoben

This piece was a real challenge to make. To begin with, because I placed the initial line drawing on top of another illustration which consisted of many lines I had a hard time identifying the lines I had put down. I had to add tone to the places that needed it...
Indigo bee | Biene in Indigo

Indigo bee | Biene in Indigo

And now for somethiing completely different… a little honey bee! It is drawn in ink (by Sennelier) and painted with gouache on a sheet of paper which I have torn out of Flow magazine. I love that magazine for its contents, the lovely illustrations and the good...