Day out | Ausflug

Day out | Ausflug

Yesterday I set out twice: once to the historic site nearby which is called the Exchange Place and then later on in the car. The Exchange Place, being situated along the old route to the West, was a rich farmer’s trading ground. It is preserved in its 1840s...
Watertower | Wasserturm

Watertower | Wasserturm

Every town or township has its own unique little watertower, or several of them. I loved this one in Salisbury, North Carolina because it looks smooth and new and a bit like a bubble. I wish I had have come closer to it when we were there, but this view is also...
Cleek Farm & Reedy Creek

Cleek Farm & Reedy Creek

The fields at the farm down in the valley have recently been flooded a bit. I perched on the side of the hill right by the house and looked down on it through the trees. Albeit I am all for true depiction and for not leaving things out – this is the Urban...
Little house | Kleines Haus

Little house | Kleines Haus

This little house is the cutest thing! I tried to paint it last time I was here but couldn’t pull it off. 18 months later and with many hours of on-location painting under my belt I have finally captured its essence in my sketchbook. There are a few progress...