I love, love, love painting places I pass every day, and this railways crossing is one of them. The red-and-white cross and barrier are simply stunning; I’m surprised it’s never occurred to me before to paint them! But here they are at last 🙂 W&N colours in a Moleskine watercolour sketchbook.
Ich bin ein unheimlich großer Fan davon, Orte zu malen, an denen ich in meinem Alltag immer vorbeigehe, und dieser Bahnübergang am Meisterweg gehört dazu. Das rot-weiße Bahnkreuz und die Schranke sind unglaublich tolle Gestaltungselemente; dass mir das vorher noch nie so aufgefallen ist! Aber dafür jetzt 🙂 W&N Aquarellfarben in einem Moleskine Aquarellbuch.
Dear Antje, I just finished a nice visit with my son and showed him your paintings as we chatted. I think the last few painting are outstanding. Colors, light, composition, everything. Keep on with what you love, love, love. Barbara
I will, Barbara! I’m so glad you think so! The paints you gave me are a wonderful addition to my process. They are so smooth and rich, especially the Sennelier ones. Thank you! Greetings to you and yours xx