Surprised by the weather

Surprised by the weather

The other day I went painting out in the snow which was really great! Snow comes in so many different colours, and that’s what I like about it so much. And we do have quite a bit of snow right now. So I jumped into my ski trousers, put on my down jacket (over...
Gouache in the city

Gouache in the city

Gouache (sprich: Gu-asch) ist nicht-transparente Wasserfarbe – kennt ihr aus den Schultuschkästen – und ein total tolles Medium! Ich habe mich von dem wunderbaren Illustratoren James Gurney inspirieren lassen, wieder mehr in Gouache zu malen. Außerdem...
Dangerous? Not really.

Dangerous? Not really.

An attempt to render the light effect I see on my way home in Dresden in the snow. Without the snow on the ground it would be mainly dark with the white dots of the streetlights. || Ein Versuch, den Lichteffekt auf meinem Nachhauseweg in Dresden im Schnee zu malen....
Little orchid + Kleine Orchidee

Little orchid + Kleine Orchidee

From my sketchbook. I am planning to sketch it regularly into and through the blooming. Fingers crossed I don’t overwater the wee one until then! Aus meinem Skizzenbuch. Ich möchte die Orchidee jetzt öfter zeichnen und die verschiedenen Stadien erfassen....