von Antje | 26. Sep. 2016 | Allgemein, Technik, Uncategorized
During our visit to the American family last summer we went on quite a few drives. Not my favourite thing, a drive, because I prefer to explore places in a more active manner. But it does have its advantages: you get to see more in a short space of time. One evening...
von Antje | 26. Jul. 2016 | Allgemein, Uncategorized
Last week I went to meet an old friend at a wine bar, and because I also wanted to paint a bit that day I showed up an hour early. There was a lovely café, or so it seemed, opposite the intersection on the other side of the street. The awning was brightly lit whereas...
von Antje | 23. Jul. 2016 | Allgemein, Uncategorized
Being fascinated by buildings is ok and I feel comfortable with them as a subject. I think I can therefore take the next step and stop ignoring the people who walk among them as I have done as far. So here they are, folks walking on the sidewalk in Berlin. I...
von Antje | 17. Mai. 2015 | Allgemein, Uncategorized
Leider nur auf Englisch! This is very informative and inspiring so I thought I would share.
von Antje | 15. Mai. 2015 | Allgemein, Uncategorized
(First the German part, English below) Vor einem Monat war ich in meinem geliebten Schottland. Auf der Zugreise von Aberdeen nach Glasgow habe ich das gemacht, was ich immer im Zug mache: Fotostrecken aus dem Fenster heraus. Dabei ist mir zum ersten Mal aufgefallen,...