Die Damespielerin | Woman playing checkers

Die Damespielerin | Woman playing checkers

Dieses Bild, das ich um die Jahreswende gemalt habe, liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Ab 11. März wird es in der Ausstellung der Deutschen Aquarellgesellschaft in Emmerich zu sehen sein, worüber ich mich sehr freue (auch wenn ich selbst leider nicht hinfahren kann). Es war...
Asleep | Im Schlaf

Asleep | Im Schlaf

My little son James is the cutest wee man alive! I gaze at him in wonder and amazement many hours every day. I wish I could capture so many of his funny expressions. Sadly, the moments I look at hime most closely are also those when I am tied up in feeding him. This...
A musical commission | Ein musikalischer Auftrag

A musical commission | Ein musikalischer Auftrag

I am schlepping myself around these days and I just about manage to get the things done that I have to get done, including some drawing and painting. But it’s all a bit much sometimes what with the baby almost being here (which is when I simply lay down and take...
Hands | Hände

Hands | Hände

Practice makes perfect, right? As being able to draw hands is an important skill to have for a realist painterling, I have decided to draw my own hands – or hand, as it were – every morning. I try not to spend more than 20 minutes on it. These are the...