Play at church | Spielen in der Kirche

Play at church | Spielen in der Kirche

We had a children’s fest at church last weekend. It was a lot of fun! Now that the pews are out the entire centre part of the church was one huge free space, and children were allowed to ride all kinds of vehicles on it that day. One of the youngest...
Julia & David

Julia & David

…were talking in church the other day and the sunlight hit them so beautifully, I had to snatch a photo and paint them afterwards! I love the relaxed poses both of them were striking and I’m pretty happy with how they have come out. I struggled with the...
Ein großer Tag! | Big day!

Ein großer Tag! | Big day!

Von morgen an wird unsere Kirche 4 Wochen lang ohne Bänke sein! Dadurch wird sie zu einem freien Raum für Erkundungen, Gebet und Spaß. Es gibt es ein volles Programm (unter diesem Link einzusehen) mit vielen tollen Veranstaltungen. Heute ist der finale...
Day 3 | 3. Tag

Day 3 | 3. Tag

It rained all day and I painted what I could from the shelter of my little car. Needless to say, my spirits weren’t exactly soaring. I explored many potential painting venues near my parents‘ home and eventually called it quits about two hours earlier than...