Warburg, Lüneburg

Warburg, Lüneburg

This interesting building was the watchmen’s house. It sits right by the river and on the edge of a wide open space. Back then, this space was where barges full of wood would unload their precious cargo. The wood was stored in the yard and watched over by the...
Deichstraße, Hamburg

Deichstraße, Hamburg

We were in Hamburg last week and had lunch in a rustic little restaurant on the water. Going back up to the street afterwards I saw a spectacular light display: a group of people deep in the shadows and dramatic sunlight and shadow intermingled on the facades behind...
Freight cars | Güterwagons

Freight cars | Güterwagons

This row of freight cars is parked on an unused railway track near my parents‘ home. I love walking along the tracks there. Because this was part of the steelworks railway system, the tracks lead to all kinds of industrial places which I am not allowed to go....
Snowy remains | Verschneite Reste

Snowy remains | Verschneite Reste

There is a little field nearby which is couched between two built-up areas – my closest access to nature! Yesterday morning I was searching for some fresh impressions to lift my mood a bit and I found this group of left-behind wood strewn by the wayside with...
Salisbury Gouache

Salisbury Gouache

Small or midsize American towns are fascinating to many Europeans because they really look very different. This gouache sketch shows two elements which stood out to me: the massive horizontals represented by the traffic lights and the typical facades – warehouse...