Orchidee für Frauke

Orchidee für Frauke

Manchmal denke ich ‚das Bild ist noch nicht fertig, daran male ich später weiter‘. Später stelle ich dann fest, dass das Bild doch schon irgendwie rund ist. Also mit ein bisschen Mut zur Lücke jedenfalls. So wie dieses, das ich letztes Jahr auf der...
Forest of the past

Forest of the past

I used to be an avid hiker back in the days when I still lived in Scotland, and I have always taken lots of photos on my walks. So naturally, I have a lot of lovely landscape photos in my possession. I am only slowly beginning to tap into that wealth of...
Blue is great…

Blue is great…

…but too much blue in the shadows can also look a bit off. See for yourself here. That’s why I touched up this little guy: I thinly layered Naples Yellow on most of the shadow spots so that they would be more connected with the rest of the scene which also...
Golden trees + Goldene Bäume

Golden trees + Goldene Bäume

On and off I work on older paintings which needed a little something to be finished, and when I know what it is (which can take many months) I try to give it to the painting. I loved this autumnal scene but then I got stuck on it. Recently I realised that it needed...


I touched up this little guy (you may recognise it) because it needed a bit more work in the foreground. Thank you for the tip, Anja! Well, and since I was on it I also restated the background a bit so that there is more distance in the scene. Through painting this...