von Antje | 8. Juni. 2021 | Kurse
Eine Woche, drei Videos, drei Live-Meetings und zwischendrin immer wieder Austausch mit den Kursteilnehmerinnen – ja, die letzte Woche hätte eine sehr stressige Woche werden können. Ich hätte schon am Wochenende davor in unglaublichen Stress geraten und die Woche über...
von Antje | 31. März. 2018 | Privatbesitz/NFS, Skizzen/Sketches
I can’t believe it but it’s already the last day of March! Crikey! And I haven’t posted once! Normally I work on something or just paint for pleasure and I have a few insights or I encounter problems which I want to share with you. Questions of...
von Antje | 6. Sep.. 2017 | Skizzen/Sketches
This is my sweetheart working from home. It’s the usual way of things chez Gillands: I sit at my desk or sit/stand at my easel, he is sitting on the sofa all comfortable reading, thinking and typing on his computer. It always amazes me how quiet it is in the...
von Antje | 16. Aug.. 2017 | Technik
This wee painting was a workshop demo. My point here was to use a very reduced palette so as to work out the light-shadow pattern more clearly – the imagined light-shadow pattern, I should add, because it was overcast that day. For me though, the light was...
von Antje | 20. Juli. 2017 | Skizzen/Sketches, Technik
I received a commission for a tricky piece of work this week, which has set me back for a day or two. So I’m not going to post the third painting in the series which I shared with you yesterday – that will have to wait. Instead, here are two sketches which...