A long time ago | Vor langer Zeit

A long time ago | Vor langer Zeit

Many years ago, during the time when I lived in New Zealand, my dad and I travelled the country together. We went many beautiful places, and we also stayed in a little farmhouse near the shores of Lake Pukaki for a night. This is right in Mackenzie Country which is a...
Cloud experiment | Wolkenexperiment

Cloud experiment | Wolkenexperiment

It has recently come to my attention that there are several ways to paint clouds and skies and that some of them help rendering that part of a landscape painting more interesting.* Intrigued by this and homebound due to wet weather I searched in my reference material...
Funny chickens | Lustige Hühner

Funny chickens | Lustige Hühner

On a recent outing in the countryside, I spotted a large flock of chickens. Because I am curious about chickens, I sat with them for half an hour and sketched them. I realised that chickens are funny; they run here and there, they rest for a moment, then they run...
Old barn | Alte Scheune

Old barn | Alte Scheune

This barn ranks second on my list of paintings from the weekend. Sitting there in the sun on my little stool and painting it was a very enjoyable experience. The bumblebees were humming and the birds were singing all around me. Every now and then there was a chainsaw...