By the river Havel | An der Havel

By the river Havel | An der Havel

This past weekend my lovey and I went to help my parents with their new weekend home – well, he helped whilst I milled about with my watercolour kit 🙂 I spent the entire day drawing, painting and giving thanks for the beauty of creation. It was pure bliss! This...
Forest near Isernhagen | Wald bei Isernhagen

Forest near Isernhagen | Wald bei Isernhagen

Travelling to Hanover yesterday, I tried not to sketch people on the train. I can’t do the same thing all the time. So I focused on train stations and scenery instead. Luckily there was a mishap along the way and my train had to wait for the track to be cleared....
Pines in oil | Kiefern in Öl

Pines in oil | Kiefern in Öl

Sounds like a recipe but is actually an oil painting 🙂 Good news: I have finally received my box easel! I’ve been waiting for weeks and weeks. Packing it full of everything I need was a very exciting process, as was taking it out on its maiden painting trip (to...
Snowy remains | Verschneite Reste

Snowy remains | Verschneite Reste

There is a little field nearby which is couched between two built-up areas – my closest access to nature! Yesterday morning I was searching for some fresh impressions to lift my mood a bit and I found this group of left-behind wood strewn by the wayside with...