A week of still lives | Eine Woche Stillleben

A week of still lives | Eine Woche Stillleben

So, last week was my still life week. This means I made one little still life watercolour sketch every day. Doing this usually took me about an hour and was a means to get watercolour sketching again, meaning: I wanted to get back to being quite loose and rather less...
Prickly subjects | Stachelige Motive

Prickly subjects | Stachelige Motive

Continuing with my still lives, I notice a few trends. I tend to want to go for the potted plants first because they seem a lot more interesting than most other subjects around the house even though the sheer plenitude of different shapes and lights on the leaves can...
Up on the shelf | Oben auf dem Regal

Up on the shelf | Oben auf dem Regal

… are these guys all next to one another. I challenged myself and tried to paint them in the semi-dark. Tricky but very, very interesting. … sind diese drei Dinge angeordnet. Ich habe mir eine extra Herausforderung gestellt und versucht, dieses Stillleben...
Little still lives | Kleine Stillleben

Little still lives | Kleine Stillleben

Lately, I really haven’t had as much time for painting as I would have liked. So I have come up with a cunning plan: new little daily projects. The hands (here and here) were my first daily project during which I pledged to draw a hand a day in no more than 20...