Die Damespielerin | Woman playing checkers

Die Damespielerin | Woman playing checkers

Dieses Bild, das ich um die Jahreswende gemalt habe, liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Ab 11. März wird es in der Ausstellung der Deutschen Aquarellgesellschaft in Emmerich zu sehen sein, worüber ich mich sehr freue (auch wenn ich selbst leider nicht hinfahren kann). Es war...
Last warm day | Der letzte warme Tag

Last warm day | Der letzte warme Tag

Last week, my painting buddy Sigrid and I went out to catch what we thought was the last warm day. We drove to the river Elbe to a spot that neither of us had ever been to and we discovered, if that’s not too big a word, this particular river spot for us. I felt...
Quiet river meadows | Ruhige Wiesen am Fluss

Quiet river meadows | Ruhige Wiesen am Fluss

Today was an unexpectedly fine day, and a painting buddy and I went out in the afternoon to make the most of it. We positioned ourselves right on the bank of our local river near two interesting looking trees. I put one of them in my painting, both would have been too...
Boat on the Ilmenau | Boot auf der Ilmenau

Boat on the Ilmenau | Boot auf der Ilmenau

Yesterday evening I hopped on my bike and cycled along the river to the next little village. My plan was to explore potential painting locations there for my next class in August. I really want to paint boats and their reflections with my students, or an interesting...
The port #2 | Der Hafen, 2. Versuch

The port #2 | Der Hafen, 2. Versuch

Yesterday’s sketch of the port left me a bit dissatisfied. The boats were my centre of interest, and I felt like they didn’t come out all that well. Thinking about how that might be improved I thought I might try this: make the boats the darkest spot with...