A little miracle | Ein kleines Wunder

A little miracle | Ein kleines Wunder

Having a baby bestows so much happiness and many little wonders on my life! I am exhausted often, of course, and I am flustered about the chaos at home even more often, I think (toys everywhere). But then I get to cuddle and take a nap with my wee one who looks so...
Recent sketches | Die letzten paar Skizzen

Recent sketches | Die letzten paar Skizzen

About a week before it got hot here in Germany I spent a few days with my parents in their new garden house. The weather was fantastic, i.e. sunny but NOT too hot, and me and the little one spent all day every day outdoors. I didn’t have as much time to paint as...
Out on the lawn | Auf der Wiese

Out on the lawn | Auf der Wiese

The weather has been so beautiful lately that I have been able to go out a bit with the wee one. An added bonus was that my sweetheart had some time to spend with us lately! On Saturday we went to the local monastery and lazied around on the grounds there, and on...
Loose vs. line | Locker vs. nicht-locker

Loose vs. line | Locker vs. nicht-locker

Here are the most recent sketches. They represent two approaches: the first one works entirely without a line drawing underneath whereas the second one represents the opposite approach, the good old line-and-wash method. I had a leisurely moment on a retreat last...
In the park | Im Park

In the park | Im Park

I am sick and tired of never posting any of my sketches anymore and of always feeling like I’m lagging behind… It’s not that I don’t find the time to paint, it’s more that I don’t find the time to post on this site. Sure, I have a...